Brunel Microscopes Ltd

Registered in U.K. (England) No: 2060047

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Asbestos Microscopy Comparison microscope

Installation training and servicing certification for the Brunel range

Servicing and Training Crocidolite Amosite

Asbestos Microscopy

Servicing and Training

Asbestos fibres


Polarising PLM

Fibre Counting PCM

Brunel Asbestos Fibre Counting Software©

Asbestos is potentially a very dangerous material and has to be handled by individuals that have been trained and accredited to  UKAS standards to be safe to undertake this type of analysis. UK laboratories are required to be accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) to ISO 17025 to undertake this particular analysis as part of assessing clearance under the Control of Asbestos Regulations (CAR). Participation in RICE in the United Kingdom is recommended in the Health and Safety Executive's Guidance - HSG 248, "Asbestos: The analyst's guide for sampling, analysis and clearance procedures" and is a precondition for accreditation of this analysis to ISO 17025.


The Regular Inter laboratory Counting Exchange (RICE) PT scheme assesses the proficiency of laboratories and individuals counting asbestos fibres in air.The RICE scheme is operated by HSL, which oversees management, registration, and membership matters together with distribution of the samples and processing the participant data.

The essential element of the phase contrast fibre counting part of the process is controlled by the Walton and Beckett eyepiece graticule.

We have company expertise in microscopy and microscopy imaging and are always pleased to quote for training in the use of our equipment purchased for asbestos. However this would not cover the practical identification and fibre counting  which is a skill and knowledge base that can only be acquired after many hours of study. However we have developed a Fibre Counting Software© as an aid for those who have to train staff in this skill, which is described in detail below.

We also offer certified annual servicing that is required by UKAS for Accreditation, but only on equipment that has been supplied by ourselves. Please email  for a quotation.


Brunel Asbestos Fibre Counting Software©

Training in the recognition of fibres and structures produced by air filtration is at the core of the whole legislation covering the identification and removal of asbestos. One of the difficulties is being sure that the trainee is seeing the same particle as the trainer during the learning process. The Walton and Beckett graticule is part of the x12.5 eyepiece and cannot therefore be seen in live images captured by cameras attached to the trinocular phototube of the microscope. Our own IT team has addressed this issue and our Asbestos Fibre Counting Software overlays live images provided by a digital camera, that is capable of visualising the test slide bands, attached to the microscope (our own HDMI Digicam is ideal). The size of this overlay provides an image identical to that seen down the microscope in size and area covered. This allows the trainer to discuss with the trainee the finer points of recognition with both being confident that they are looking at the same thing. The software is customised to ensure correct positioning and size for each microscope/camera system and computer by our own IT staff, and the license price includes this commissioning

Brunel Asbestos Fibre Counting Software License  -  £296.67 + vat for each system


RICE slide image with Walton and Beckett graticule overlay